#!/usr/bin/python3 from bottle import abort, route, run, request import pymongo class Config: """ posts - public, posts table from MongoClient config: private, config for DB config.db.host config.db.port config.db.dbname """ def __init__(self): """ Init init """ self.readConfig() mongoclient = pymongo.MongoClient(self.host, self.port) database = mongoclient[self.dbname] # TODO: Create table if not exists posts = database['posts'] self.posts = posts def readConfig(self): """ Read config file, if not exists - call Init.createConfig() """ import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not config.read('config.ini'): self.createConfig(config) db = config['DB'] self.host = db['host'] self.port = int(db['port']) self.dbname = db['name'] def createConfig(self, config): """ Create config file """ config['DB'] = {} db = config['DB'] db['host'] = 'localhost' db['port'] = '27017' db['name'] = 'pycms' with open('config.ini', 'w') as cfgfile: config.write(cfgfile) class Back(): """ All actions that will be triggered by http """ def getRootPost(self): try: return posts.find_one({'name': '_root_'})['text'] except TypeError: return abort(404, 'No such page') def getPost(self, name): try: return posts.find_one({'name': name})['text'] except TypeError: return abort(404, 'No such page') def getAllPosts(self): dict_posts = list() for i in posts.find(): dict_posts.append(i) return str(dict_posts) def updatePost(self, name, body): # If post exists, update it if posts.find_one({'name': name}): newPost = {'$set': {'text': body}} return str(posts.update_one({'name': name}, newPost)) # Else - create new else: newPost = {'name': name, 'text': body} return str(posts.insert_one(newPost).inserted_id) def deletePost(self, name): return bool(posts.delete_one({'name': name}).deleted_count) @route('/post/') def post(name): ''' Get post ''' return str(back.getPost(name)) @route('/admin/post/', method='POST') def postUpd(name): ''' Insert/Update post ''' body = request.forms.get('body') return back.updatePost(name=name, body=body) @route('/admin/post/', method='DELETE') def postDel(name): ''' Delete post by name ''' return str(back.deletePost(name)) @route('/post') def all_posts(): ''' Returns all posts ''' return back.getAllPosts() @route('/') def index(): return back.getRootPost() if __name__ == '__main__': cfg = Config() back = Back() posts = cfg.posts run(host='', port=8081, reloader=True, debug=True)