Lulzette 7544e3c447
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Добавил конфигурацию самого приложения
2021-11-01 04:58:13 +03:00

172 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File

from bottle import abort, route, run, request
import pymongo
import time
# TODO: auth to /admin
# TODO: timestamps to posts
# TODO: author to posts and multiple users
# TODO: add bottle's params to config
class Config:
posts - table with posts
config structure:
- host
- port
- dbname
def __init__(self):
Init config
mongoclient = pymongo.MongoClient(, self.port)
if self.dbname not in mongoclient.list_database_names():
print('DB not found, creating')
database = mongoclient[self.dbname]
# TODO: Create table if not exists
if 'posts' not in database.list_collection_names():
print('Table not fount, creating')
posts = database['posts']
self.posts = posts
def readConfig(self):
Read config file, if not exists - call self.createConfig()
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if not'config.ini'):
db = config['DB'] = db['host']
self.port = int(db['port'])
self.dbname = db['name']
app = config['App']
self.apphost = app['host']
self.appport = int(app['port'])
self.appdebug = bool(app['debug'])
def createConfig(self, config):
Create config file
config['DB'] = {}
db = config['DB']
db['host'] = 'localhost'
db['port'] = '27017'
db['name'] = 'pycms'
config['App'] = {}
app = config['App']
app['port'] = '8080'
app['debug'] = 'True'
app['host'] = ''
with open('config.ini', 'w') as cfgfile:
class Back():
All actions that will be triggered by http
def getRootPost(self):
return posts.find_one({'name': '_root_'})['text']
except TypeError:
return abort(404, 'No such page')
def getPost(self, name):
return posts.find_one({'name': name})['text']
except TypeError:
return abort(404, 'No such page')
def getAllPosts(self):
# TODO: clear up output, remove '_id' and 'body',
# now there should be only
dict_posts = list()
for i in posts.find():
return str(dict_posts)
def updatePost(self, name, body):
# TODO: return RESTful error/success result
# If post exists, update it
if posts.find_one({'name': name}):
newPost = {'$set': {'text': body}}
return str(posts.update_one({'name': name}, newPost))
# Else - create new
newPost = {'name': name, 'text': body,
'create_timestamp': str(time.time())}
return str(posts.insert_one(newPost).inserted_id)
def deletePost(self, name):
# TODO: return RESTful error/success result
return bool(posts.delete_one({'name': name}).deleted_count)
class Metrics:
def alive():
return str("alive 1")
def metrics():
return Metrics.alive()
def post(name):
Get post
return str(back.getPost(name))
@route('/admin/post/<name>', method='POST')
def postUpd(name):
Insert/Update post
body = request.forms.get('body')
return back.updatePost(name=name, body=body)
@route('/admin/post/<name>', method='DELETE')
def postDel(name):
Delete post by name
return str(back.deletePost(name))
def all_posts():
Returns all posts
return back.getAllPosts()
def index():
return back.getRootPost()
if __name__ == '__main__':
cfg = Config()
back = Back()
posts = cfg.posts
run(host=cfg.apphost, port=cfg.appport, reloader=cfg.appdebug, debug=cfg.appdebug)